ULI Austria - Co Creation Lab für klimaneutrale und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung


2025-02-18T18:00:00 - 2025-02-18T19:45:00

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    Digital Building Demonstration Lab Wangari-Maathai-Platz 3 Ebene 4 Wien 1220 AUSTRIA

    Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserer Veranstaltung ein. Erfahren Sie mehr über verschiedene partizipative Methoden in der Stadtplanung – von der Ideengenerierung und Visionsentwicklung bis hin zur kooperativen Umsetzung und Mitgestaltung der Instandhaltung.


    Die Veranstaltung bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in aktuelle Planungs- und Partizipationsansätze und gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, fortschrittliche digitale Werkzeuge kennenzulernen, deren Potenziale zu diskutieren und wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen.


    Hier geht’s zur Anmeldung:



    Uhrzeit: 17:30 – 20:00 Uhr


    17:30 – Einlass

    18:00 – Begrüßung

    Birgit Kraml | ULI Austria

    Steffen Robbi | Digital Findet Stadt

    18:15 – Impulsvorträge und Diskussionsrunde

    Daniela Allmeier | Raumposition.

    Thema: Stadt aktiv mitgestalten – Dialog-orientierte Planungsprozesse

    Haris Piplas | Drees & Sommer

    Thema: New European Bauhaus – Eine Plattform für Zukunftsquartiere?

    19:15 – Co-Creation

    Elena Stefanich | AIT

    Thema: Partizipation und Transformation öffentlicher Räume 

    Paul Rakosa | ÖVW Bauträger & Martin Aufhauser | stadtland

    Das Seestädter – Wiens co-kreative Nachbarschaft


    19:45 – Ausklang und Austausch

    Wir freuen uns Sie begrüßen zu dürfen.



    Haris Piplas

    Leading Consultant, Drees & Sommer SE

    Dr. Haris Piplas holds an Urban Design Master from the Technical University in Berlin, a research fellowship from Politecnico di Milano and a Dr. sc. from the ETH Zurich's (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Department of Architecture. He figured as the co-author and associate in several urbanistic, landscape and architectural projects in Germany, Denmark, China, Austria, Eastern Europe, Morocco, Latin America, and other regions. He is also the co-author at 'Global Urban Toolbox' which summarizes spatial and infrastructural challenges under the influence of economic-social, geopolitical and cultural aspects in Case study cities: Berlin, Los Angeles, Zurich, Detroit, Capetown, Beijing, Madrid, etc. Haris Piplas is the author of the publication of urban transformations in central and Eastern Europe dating 2020. – “City Action Lab: An Integrated Urban Toolkit for Reactivating Cities in Post-Socialist Central Eastern Europe.” He was the editor-in-chief of two editions of the European Association of Landscape Architects (IFLA) called ” Adaptive Capacity of Cities” and “Political Implications on the Urban Landscape.” He is the initiator of the “Reactivate Sarajevo” Project, and the curator “Sarajevo Now” at the 15th Architectural Biennale in Venice, and also Keynote Speaker at the many international, professional and scientific conferences Such as “WeMakeTheCity” Amsterdam, AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning), ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners) and “Metropolis non- formal” Munich, ULI Europe annual conference in Paris etc. Haris Piplas is also the former Chair Young Leader at ULI Switzerland and Young Leader committee member at ULI Germany, nominator for the Aga Khan Award for Architecture and the Advisory Committee of the European Forum Alpbach, in the 'Healthy Places' Committee at ULI Germany as well as an expert Consultant at the many International Agency at the UN and the EU. He