We are #Citychanger
ULI Austria
ULI Switzerland
About ULI Germany/Austria/Switzerland
The transformation of liveable urban spaces is not only one of the greatest, but also most urgent challenges of our time. As an interdisciplinary network, the ULI CONNECTS the various industry players and promotes the dialogue between the private real estate industry and the public sector – and not only at a local level. We stand for international exchange, open dialogue and interdisciplinary diversity, true to the motto: Think global, act local. We believe that knowledge becomes more when it is shared, and we draw our content from the broad wealth of knowledge and experience that our members bring to the network. We INSPIRE and get inspired, courageously take on new challenges and support our members in making sustainable urban development a reality. Together we take responsibility for our cities and go into LEAD, show how ESG can be holistically integrated into urban development and put people back in the centre.
As a ULI member, you support us in realising our global mission: transforming our cities into liveable, urban spaces. Sustainable urban development can only succeed together. Therefore: Let’s do it!
Latest Top Stories
Interview mit Nico Dehnert, Co-Founder und CCO von Optiml, ULI Europe Proptech Challenge Gewinner
Ausschreibung der „ULI Hines Student Competition – Europe 2025“ startet
Studierende sind aufgerufen, ihre Beiträge bis zum 14. Februar 2025 einzureichen
Gewinner der ULI Germany Leadership Awards zum 20. Mal ausgezeichnet: Dr. Stefanie Weidner, Klaus Müller mit InnovationCity Bottrop, Prof. Christoph Mäckler, Achim Nagel und Jürgen Engel
Leadership Awards im Berliner Wintergarten Varieté im Rahmen einer feierlichen Abendveranstaltung zum 20. Mal Verliehen
VOLTFANG gewinnt in Deutschland die zweite Auflage der PropTech Innovation Challenge
Das Urban Land Institute schreibt den Preis europaweit aus, um Innovatoren auszuzeichnen und den Austausch innerhalb der Branche zu fördern.
Top Stories From Around ULI
ULI Europe
Available now from ULI Knowledge Finder: Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Europe 2025
The outlook for European real estate is cautiously optimistic despite growing geopolitical uncertainty and concerns about economic growth.
ULI Europe
Entries now open in the PropTech Innovation Challenge 2024
ULI Europe has launched the 2024 PropTech Innovation Challenge (PIC), the Young Leaders-led initiative to foster innovation.
ULI Europe
Available now from ULI Knowledge Finder: Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook 2024
The report is a key indicator of sentiment towards the global real estate investment and development outlook.